Risks of falls at work
The risks of falling at work are present in all types of jobs and can cause serious accidents. Did you know that falls are one of the top three killers of workplace accidents?
In 2018, 24% of deaths from an occupational injury were caused by falls. Each year the CNESST counts on average 845 cases of falls from heights and 7,000 falls at the same level (loss of balance, slipping, tripping).
In view of the number of falls recorded each year and because the risks are present in all types of activity sector, the CMIPQ puts its experience and expertise at your disposal through various training courses to help you better prevent falls at work.
- Ladders and stepladders
- Work accident investigation and analysis
- Management of OHS files
- Inspection and site visits

Here is a fall case that was investigated by the CNESST :
On November 28, 2017, at around 7:40 a.m., a team of three facilities and cleanliness attendants employed by the Société du parc Jean-Drapeau were busy bringing down the decorative trees stored on the mezzanine of the Services Pavilion, in order to install them in the park. The gates of the mezzanine railing are open in order to lower the trees using a forklift. While pulling back a tree towards the opening of the guardrail, a worker goes through the gates and falls 3.4 meters.
Consequence: the worker dies from his injuries.
Causes: 1) The design of the opening of the guardrail of the mezzanine giving access to the forks of the forklift truck allowed the worker to access the vacuum. 2) The work method used by the workers to lower the trees from the mezzanine exposed them to a fall. “
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